About Us

Rocketrent is a brand-new venture, born with the goal to provide more friendly travel options to enthusiasts who love to drive and explore new places. Rocketrent has satisfied customers for over three decades with its smooth and dependable car rental services. Now with all the experience, the company has expanded its outreach to make traveling via roads in India more effortless and exciting.

Our Motto

Rocketrent's primary objective is to deliver top-quality customer support at our six major locations - Munich,Brno,Geneva,Zurich,Vienna and Bratislava. We believe that the only way to success is through dedication and commitment towards collective growth of the company.

Why choose self-drive?

  • We have over thirty years of experience in this field.
  • With a self-driven rental vehicle, you are your own boss.
  • You get privacy with your loved ones on the trip.
  • You have the freedom to drive around and explore the location.
  • It is the most cost-effective way of transportation.
  • You can get premium quality add-ons for your trip.

Why think twice?! Make the smart choice and rent an Rocketrent self-drive vehicle for your trip across the country today. Go on a journey with your loved ones to exciting new places with all the comfort and ease you desire. At Rocketrent, we promise you a happy journey with the ultimate self-drive vehicle services and added facilities at the best prices. Our excellent support system is always here to assist you. So, what are you waiting for? Get ready for newer adventures! Explore exciting places and make new memories with Rocketrent. Happy vacationing! Think travel, think Rocketrent!

350 +
Cars For Rent
6500 +
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5000 +
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80 +
Cars For Rent
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